Section C

Expandet ® Anchors Ancrages Expandet MD

Inch Pouce

EXPANDET ® light Rosett ® for lightweight fixings


Grip Screw Drill


Maximum Load*


Range Size Size Length Direct

Angled 110 lbs. 189 lbs. 198 lbs. 238 lbs. 264 lbs.


1/8"-3/8" #6-8 1/4" 1-3/16"

77 lbs. 123 lbs. 154 lbs. 145 lbs. 209 lbs.

100 100 100

102-115 102-116 102-117 102-118 102-119

(Screws not included)

3/8"-1/2" #6-8 1/4"



#6-8 1/4"


1/2"-3/4" #10-12 5/16" 1-3/4"

50 50


#10-12 5/16" 2-3/16"


* Max. load in drywall at high grip range.

How to Install:

EXPANDET light Rosett does not re quire any special tool for fixing into the wall. The screw can be removed if re quired. The use of EXPANDET light Rosett is not affected by insulating materials on Fixing is obtained on the reverse side of the board by the screw drawing the plug up into a rosette like knob not damaging the board. EXPANDET light Rosett can be tight ened with an ordinary screw driver or with a power driver. the inside of the cavity. TECHNICAL DETAILS

For fixing light objects in gypsum and plasterboards, hollow doors and walls, chip board etc. EXPANDET light Rosett is available in 2 sizes for 1/4" (6 mm) and 5/16" (8 mm) drill bit, easily identified by colours and in a variety of lengths covering boards from 1/8" - 1" (3 mm - 26 mm) in thickness. EXPANDET light Rosett is manufac EXPANDET light Rosett is easy to use and does not rotate on inserting the screw due to three protruding fins and is not lost within the cavity because of the lip at its head. tured in NYLON for strength. PRACTICAL INFORMATION

Use 1/4" (6 mm) drill for red light Rosett and 5/16" (8 mm) drill for blue light Rosett.

Hammer plug flush with wall

Insert screw and fixing and tighten screw. Note: Screw length must be 1/8" or 3 mm longer than plug plus fitting combined.

3 mm +

EXPANDET ® Concrete/Masonry Screw Anchors with fins for stronger fixing



SPAENAUR Col- Anchor


Drill Size 3/16" 3/16"

our Length White 1" White 1-1/2" Red 1" Red 1-1/2" Green 1" Green 1-1/2" Green 2" Blue 1-1/2"

Size #4-6 #4-6 #7-9 #7-9



P.V.C. Material (Screws not included)

102-132 102-133 102-134 102-135 102-136 102-137 102-138 102-139 102-140 102-141 102-142 102-143

771 lbs.

100 100 100 100 100 100

Designed for fixing with all types of wood screws in brick, stone, concrete, light con crete and other materials in which a hole can be drilled. EXPANDET screw anchors are easily identified and available in 7 colour coded sizes and a variety of lengths. EX PANDET screw anchors cover all screw sizes from #4 to #26 for weights ranging from the tiniest hook up to tonloads. PRACTICAL INFORMATION EXPANDET screw anchors make the job fast, easy and economical. EXPANDET screw anchors are self-center ing. The screw automatically seeks the cen tre of the plug. EXPANDET screw anchors will not flatten out or fray when driven into a hole. TECHNICAL DETAILS The three protruding fins prevent turning and ensure the plug takes up the profile of the hole to give maximum fixing strength. EXPANDET screw anchors are indestruct ible P.V.C., resist moisture, do not rot, and are not affected by acids, alkalies and oils nor by exposures to heat or cold. By not splitting open EXPANDET screw anchors give maximum surface contact to wall and entirely encapsulate the screws protecting them from rust and corrosion.

1,157 lbs.

7/32" or 15/64"

903 lbs.

7/32" or 15/64" 1,355 lbs.

#10, 12 #10, 12 #10, 12

1/4" or 9/32" 1/4" or 9/32" 1/4" or 9/32"

1,036 lbs. 1,554 lbs. 2,072 lbs. 1,752 lbs. 2,336 lbs. 2,733 lbs.


#13-15, or 1/4" lag #13-15, or 1/4" lag

5/16" 5/16"




50 50 25 25

Orange 2-1/2" #16, 18, or 5/16" lag


Grey 2-1/2" Black 2-1/2"

#20-23 or 3/8" lag 15/32" or 7/16" 5,848 lbs.

#23-26 or 1/2" lag


6,283 lbs.

* Maximum load may vary depending on type of concrete, size of bit and screw used. How to Install: Always use plug, screw and drill bit size recommended.


3. To obtain maximum surface plug expansion always use a screw which is longer than the plug + item to be fixed + plaster thickness. The strength of the fixing increases with the length of the screw and plug.

2. To avoid surface damage, drill deep enough to allow plug to be inserted below surface of plaster or tile

1. Drill in centre of tile or brick - the rendering is not strong enough to fasten in.


P: 1-800-265-8772 F: 1-888-252-6380 www. F: 1-888-252-6380 © 2018 Spaenaur Inc. All rights reserved. Catalog may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Spaenaur Inc. Subject to Catalog Terms and Conditions of Use available at and on page TC2 and TC3 at the back of this catalog. © 2018 Spaenaur Inc. Tous droits réservés. Le catalogue ne peut être reproduit, en tout ou en partie, sans l’autorisation écrite de Spaenaur Inc. L’utilisation est soumise aux Conditions d’utilisation du Catalogue disponibles sur et à la page TC4 et TC5 à la fin de ce catalogue. .com

18 Jan 2018

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