Spaenaur Catalog 14

Locking C Clamps / Wrenches

Inch Pouce

Serre-joints blocables / Clés

VISE-GRIP LOCKING “C” CLAMPS 876-244 Spaenaur No. Mfr’s. No. 6R Length 6-1/2"

Wood clamp.

Clamp angle iron.

Quick, easy locking and release action makes old fashioned screw type “C” clamps obsolete.

Jaw Adjusts 0" to 2" A = 2" B = 1-1/2"

Clamp intricate work.

Auto body work.

Spaenaur No.

T-11R Mfr’s. No. 11R Length 10-5/8"

Jaw Adjusts 0" to 3-3/4" A = 3-3/4" B = 2-5/8"

All VISE-GRIP ® Tools PKG QTY. 1

Clamp awkward jobs.

Carpentry work.

876-766 Mfr’s. No. 24R Length 24" Spaenaur No.

Jaw Adjusts 0" to 14-3/4" A = 3-5/8" B = 15-1/2"




Spaenaur No.



Hold odd shapes for welding and fabricating.

SPAENAUR No. T-20R – Chain Wrench T-20REP – Replacement Chain 19" T-20EX – Extension Chain 18"

P95 19 jan 2018

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