Spaenaur Catalog 14
Bolt Extractors / Drill Out Sets Extracteurs de boulons / Jeux de perçage
Inch and Metric Pouce et Métrique
The DRILL-OUT ® Micro Power Extractor has many of the same features as our larger extractors but its design is a bit different. Put the Micro tool into your reversible electric or battery powered drill, extractor side in, set it for reverse and drill your hole. Take the tool out, turn it around so that the drill side is inserted into the chuck and you have your extractor. Insert the extractor tip into the hole you just drilled and remove your broken screw. That's it! Fast, easy and dependable. THE DRILL-OUT ® MICRO POWER EXTRACTOR
Individual Drill-Out ® Micro Power Extractors SPAENAUR
To remove broken
bolt or stud
876-1608 876-1609 876-1610 876-1611
#5 & #6 or M3
#8 or M4 #10 or M5 1/4" or M6
876-1607 Micro Power Extractor Set
• Self Cente ring Drill Tip • Sho rt, Tough Drill Body • Left Hand Cutting Edge
• D r ill Bit and Ext ractor in One • Eas y, Time S aving Operation • D rills Gr ade 8 (Class 10.9) Bolts DRILL-OUT ® 7 PIECE MASTER KIT 876-1784 A new full range kit with substantial savings, compared to buying two kits or individual sizes.
Works on: - most common fasteners: Grade 2 to 8, property classes 5.6 to 10.9 & stainless steel. - Inch & Metric Sizes: 1/8 to 1/2" or M3 to M12 . - jagged, uneven or rough breaks; drill point eliminates walking, no centring tools are needed. - confined work space; small design allows easy access. DRI LL- OUT ® kit contains S paenaur numbers 87 6- 1608, 876 - 16 09 , 876 - 1610, 876 - 1611, 87 6-86 1, 876 - 862 and 876 - 863 as found at top of this page and on previous page.
Mirco Sizes
Regular Sizes
M3 to M6
Drill Bit and Extractor in one.
M8 to M12
1. Insert DRI LL- OUT ® into drill set for REVERSE . 2. Drills into broken bolt on centre. 3. Ex tracts using the POW ER of the drill.
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