Spaenaur Catalog 14 - Digital Flipping Catalog
Wood Screws - Slot Drive Vis à bois – tête fendue
Inch Pouce
Made to ASME B18.6.1
Flat and Oval head have 90 ° countersunk.
Head/Body & Slot Dimensions to ASME B18.6.1
Inch Sizes
Continued from Previous Page
FLAT OVAL ZINC PLATED ZINC PLATED ZINC PLATED PLAIN FINISH PLAIN FINISH NICKEL PLATED 3/4 88-SW 7/8 576-030 1 130-675 7-SW 311-SW 1-1/4 576-SW 230-675 98-SW 1-1/2 330-675 09-SW 1-3/4 576-034 2 725-SW 222-775 3/4 947 WS-186 577-225 576-035 576-004 7/8 576-036 1 926-SW 801-SW 849 1-1/4 994-S 576-E03-1M 01-SW 949 1-1/2 435-SW 471-SW 059 1-3/4 535-SW 159 2 830-675 781-SW 259 2-1/4 941-SW 811-SW 2-1/2 WS-119 WS-105 WS-148 2-3/4 WS-21 3 576-040 3-1/2 576-E04-1X WS-138 4 576-042 5/8 315-SW 51-SW 3/4 WS-513A 1 1-1/4 576-E10-1C 1-1/2 046-SW 559 1-3/4 576-047 659 2 260-675 246-SW 022-775 759 2-1/4 WS-649 2-1/2 415-SW 381-SW 859 3 925-SW 281-SW 61-SW 3-1/2 576-048 4 576-049 3/4 576-050 1 576-051 1-1/4 156-SW 455-SW 79-SW 069 1-1/2 961 WS-11 WS-8 1-3/4 336-SW 29-SW 2 600-675 6-SW 81-SW 2-1/2 700-675 FT23-SW 3 576-002 3-1/2 576-003 576-060 4 576-053 2-1/4 1307 DIA. L. 14 12 10 9 (TF = Twin Fast Twin Thread) 576-E09-1N 575-055 576-052 954 WS-115 576-061 576-044 741-SW S-359 576-065 (Plain Finish) ROUND OVAL FLAT ROUND
PKG QTY. 100
05 Feb 2018 F : 1- 8-252-6380 service@spaenaur. © 2018 Spaenaur Inc. All rights reserved. Catalog may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Spaenaur Inc. Subject to Catalog Terms and Conditions of Use available at and on page TC2 and TC3 at the back of this catalog. © 2018 Spaenaur Inc. Tous droits réservés. Le catalogue ne peut être reproduit, en tout ou en partie, sans l’autorisation écrite de Spaenaur Inc. L’utilisation est soumise aux Conditions d’utilisation du Catalogue disponibles sur et à la page TC4 et TC5 à la fin de ce catalogue. P : 1-800-265-8772 F : 1-888-252-6380 www. .com
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