Section P

Arbor Wrench / Square Drive Wrench

Metric Métrique

Clé d'arbre�/ Clé à prise carrée

Metric AMF Socket Wrench SPANNER for shell and mill arbors for cutter retaining screws DIN 6367 TOOL STEEL — Black Finish

DIN 6368

All dimensions in millimetres

* Nom.


Thread Overall





877-836 877-837 877-839 877-840 877-841 877-842 877-844

13 16 22 27 32 40 60

13 16 22 27 32 40 60

M6 M8

160 180 200 225 250 280 355

M10 M12 M16 M20 M30

* Nominal size refers to the dia. of arbor.

Metric AMF Square Drive Wrench with T-handle

Female DIN 904L Long Series

Male DIN 905

*DIN 904 Short Series


FEMALE (For External Series) Nom.

MALE (For Internal Series) Nom.

SPAENAUR Size No. A/F 877-460

SPAENAUR Size No. A/F 877-470

5 120 x 12 160 x 6 6 160 x 12 160 x 6 6 80 x 12 160 x 6 8 160 x 16 180 x 8 9 200 x 18 200 x 8 10 200 x 20 200 x 10 12 200 x 24 250 x 12 13 200 x 24 250 x 12 14 200 x 28 320 x 14 14 120 x 28 320 x 14 17 250 x 34 400 x 16 19 320 x 36 400 x 16

5 60 x 12 160 x 6 6 80 x 12 160 x 6 7 80 x 16 180 x 8 8 80 x 16 180 x 8 9 80 x 16 180 x 8 10 100 x 20 200 x 10 11 100 x 20 200 x 10 12 100 x 24 250 x 12 13 100 x 24 250 x 12 14 120 x 28 320 x 14 17 160 x 34 400 x 16 19 200 x 36 400 x 16 22 200 x 42 630 x 20


877-461 * 877-228 877-462 877-463 877-464 877-465 877-466 877-467 * 877-229 877-468 877-469

877-484 877-485 877-486 877-487 877-488 877-489 877-490 877-491 877-492 877-493 877-494 877-495





TOOL STEEL Black Finish Not to DIN

All dimensions in millimetres

All items on this page PKG QTY. 1

P87 17 MAY 2019

P: 1-800-265-8772 F: 1-888-252-6380 www. F: 1-888-252-6380 © 2018 Spaenaur Inc. All rights reserved. Catalog may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Spaenaur Inc. Subject to Catalog Terms and Conditions of Use available at and on page TC2 and TC3 at the back of this catalog. © 2018 Spaenaur Inc. Tous droits réservés. Le catalogue ne peut être reproduit, en tout ou en partie, sans l’autorisation écrite de Spaenaur Inc. L’utilisation est soumise aux Conditions d’utilisation du Catalogue disponibles sur et à la page TC4 et TC5 à la fin de ce catalogue. .com

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