Section B
Hex Head Cap Screws Vis à tête hexagonale
Metric Métrique
Property Class 10.9 – Plain Finish Regular COARSE Metric Thread to DIN 13 (ISO Metric Spec.) Medium Carbon Steel, Quenched & Tempered Tensile Strength 1040 N/mm 2 min. (Approx. 150,000 PSI - For Reference Only.) Rockwell Hardness Min. C32 Max. C39
DIN 931 This Standard has been replaced. Please see Catalog Page R21 for more information.
Partially Threaded
M6 M8 M10 M12 M14 M16 M20 M24 M30 M33
DIA. in mm
Lgth. mm
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75
332-229 332-018 332-008 332-019 332-033 332-009 332-020 332-034 332-050 332-010 332-021 332-035 332-051 332-246 332-011 332-022 332-036 332-052 332-247 332-256 332-012 332-023 332-037 332-053 332-068 332-081 332-013 332-024 332-038 332-054 332-070 332-083 332-099 332-231 332-123 332-239 332-069 332-082 332-098 332-232 332-235 332-240 332-071 332-084 332-100 332-269 80 332-230 332-025 332-039 332-055 332-072 332-085 332-112 332-270 90
332-026 332-040 332-056 332-073 332-086 332-101 332-109 332-113 332-027 332-041 332-057 332-074 332-087 332-102 332-204 332-114 332-300 332-236 332-241 332-248 332-257 332-263 332-272 332-284 332-233 332-042 332-058 332-249 332-088 332-103 332-273 332-115 332-290 332-238 332-242 332-250 332-258 332-264 332-274 332-299 332-234 332-043 332-059 332-251 332-089 332-104 332-275 332-285 332-044 332-060 332-252 332-090 332-105 332-276 332-116 332-243 332-253 332-227 332-265 332-277 332-286 332-244 332-254 332-260 332-266 332-278 332-287 332-245 332-255 332-118 332-119 332-120 332-117
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320
332-B05-1X 332-261 332-267 332-279 332-288 332-262 332-268 332-280 332-289
Additional sizes available of DIN 931 332-296 M36 x 4.00 x 110 mm 332-297 M36 x 4.00 x 200 mm 332-298 M42 x 4.50 x 160 mm
332-318 332-281 332-B10-1Y 332-315 332-319
Contact Sales Desk For Package Quantities
Property Class 10.9 – Zinc Plated Regular COARSE Metric Thread to DIN 13 (ISO Metric Spec.) Medium Carbon Steel, Quenched & Tempered Tensile Strength 1040 N/mm 2 min. (Approx. 150,000 PSI - For Reference Only.) Rockwell Hardness Min. C32 Max. C39 SPAENAUR No. Dia. x Pitch x Length PKG QTY. 332-053ZP M12 x 1.75 x 60 mm 50 332-098ZP M20 x 2.50 x 65 mm 25 332-204ZP M24 x 3.00 x 100 mm 10 332-117ZP M30 x 3.50 x 200 mm 1
DIN 931
Partially Threaded
Dia. x Pitch x Length PKG QTY. M8 x 1.25 x 45 mm 100 M8 x 1.25 x 50 mm 100 M10 x 1.50 x 90 mm 50 M10 x 1.50 x 120 mm 50 M10 x 1.50 x 130 mm 50 M12 x 1.75 x 50 mm 50 M12 x 1.75 x 55 mm 50
SPAENAUR No. 332-020ZP 332-021ZP 332-040ZP 332-042ZP 332-238ZP 332-051ZP 332-052ZP
P: 1-800-265-8772 F: 1-888-252-6380 www. F: 1-888-252-6380 © 2018 Spaenaur Inc. All rights reserved. Catalog may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the written permission of Spaenaur Inc. Subject to Catalog Terms and Conditions of Use available at and on page TC2 and TC3 at the back of this catalog. © 2018 Spaenaur Inc. Tous droits réservés. Le catalogue ne peut être reproduit, en tout ou en partie, sans l’autorisation écrite de Spaenaur Inc. L’utilisation est soumise aux Conditions d’utilisation du Catalogue disponibles sur et à la page TC4 et TC5 à la fin de ce catalogue. .com 18 JAN 2018
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